
Gallery Banditrazos specializes in planning and exhibiting artworks not only by Korean artists but from Spanish-speaking countries including Latin America, in an effort to engage in various cultural exchanges by promoting the historical and artistic value of Latin American art that many Koreans are unfamiliar with.

Our direct contacts with 16 Latin American embassies allow us to share with the public the latest trends in Latin culture, and thus, play a role in encouraging diverse cultural exchanges.

LATINCOMMUNICATION, a branch of Gallery Banditrazos in charge of planning outside exhibitions, has contributed to spreading Latin culture to a wider Korean audience by enriching our international network.

The following are some of the exhibitions in which we have been a part through planning services and advice, and which have shown the changes in the works of the great Latin American artists : ‘EL Dorado, The Spirits, Gold and The Shaman’(2018, National Museum of Korea), Frida Kahlo& Diego Rivera(2016, Seoul Arts Center), Picasso to Francis Bacon(2015, Seoul Arts Center), Exhibition of World Art Masters ‘my Chagall, your Picasso’(2013, Jeju Museum of Art), Fernando Botero(2009, National Museum of Art), The Great Myth and Mystery of Peruvian Civilization : Inca(2009, National Museum of Korea), Exhibition of World Art Masters - Picasso, Dali, Miro, Tapies, Chillida(2008, Sejong Museum of Art), Masters of the 20th Century Latin American Art(2008, National Museum of Art).

Gallery Banditrazos will continue to endeavor to present diverse and enriching exhibitions of Latin American artists so as to help broaden the cultural spectrum of the Korean audience.
  • PROJECT HISTORY (Director / Commissioner)

2022 'VIVA ARTE' 트렌트가 된 글로벌 아티스트 22인, 더현대 서울 ALT.1
2020 '색과 빛의 예술가 카를로스 크루즈 디에즈', 아트소향
2020 ‘색의 거장 크루즈 디에즈展’, 울산문화예술회관
2019 ‘Color in Space 크루즈 디에즈展‘, 크리타 갤러리
2018 '황금문명 엘도라도' (콜롬비아 금박물관), 국립중앙박물관
2018 로메로 브리토 한국특별전 'Color of Wonderland', 대원미술관
2017 6 : 여섯 시 • 공간을 넘다' (한국 · 라틴 현대미술작가 교류전), 영은미술관
2016 롯데아트프로젝트 - 하우메 플렌자, 롯데월드타워
2016 '프리다 칼로 & 디에고 리베라', 예술의전당 한가람미술관
2016 '피카소에서 앤디워홀까지', 김해문화의전당
2015 '피카소에서 프란시스베이컨까지', 예술의 전당 한가람미술관
2015 '모니카와 떠나는 세계명화여행', 경기도미술관
2014 '열정의 시대: 피카소부터 천경자까지', 전북도립미술관
2013 세계미술거장전 '나의 샤갈, 당신의 피카소’, 제주도립미술관
2012 세계미술거장전 '나의 샤갈, 당신의 피카소', 전북도립미술관
2012 한국국제아트페어 KIAF (Korea International Art Fair) 주빈국-라틴아메리카 커미셔너
2012 로메로 브리토', 롯데 갤러리
2012 색과 빛의 세계 : 옵아트의 거장 크루즈 디에즈', 전북도립미술관
2011 스페인 판화 거장', 롯데 갤러리
2011 '황홀한 열정-라틴미술로의 향연’, 제주현대미술관
2011 옵 키네틱아트 거장 '크루즈 디에즈', 세종문화회관 북서울 꿈의 숲 아트센터
2010 미술로 떠나는 라틴여행', 경북대학교미술관
2010 라틴 아메리카 현대미술전 '매직리얼리즘, 라틴의 마법에 빠지다', 롯데 에비뉴엘 갤러리
2009 세계문명전 '태양의 아들, 잉카', 국립중앙박물관
2009 페르난도 보테로', 덕수궁미술관
2008 세계미술거장전 인상파에서 팝아트까지 판화로의 여행', 세종문화회관
2008 '라틴 아메리카 거장', 덕수궁미술관
2007 판화로 만나는 스페인 거장 5인전 - 피카소, 달리, 미로, 타피에스, 칠리다', 경북대학 미술관

2020 Color in Space - Cruz Diez / Art Sohyang, Busan, Korea
2020 The Master of Color - Cruz Diez / Ulsan Culture & Arts Center, Ulsan, Korea
2019 Color in space. Carlos Cruz-Diez / Crita Gallery, Korea
2018 EL Dorado, The Spirits, Gold and The Shaman (Gold Museum of Colombia) / National Museum of Korea, Seoul, Korea
2018 Color of Wonderland - Romero Britto / Daewon Museum, Seoul, Korea
2017 6:Seis Surpassing Time and Space (Korean-Latin Artist Exchange Exhibition) / Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
2016 Lotte Art Projent 'Jaume Plensa' / Lotte World Tower, Seoul, Korea
2016 Frida Kahlo& Diego Rivera (The Collection of Museo Dolores Olmedo, Mexico) / Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
2016 Picasso to Andy Warhol (Masters of Modern and Contemporary Art from the Collection of Venezuela’s National Museums Foundation) / Gimhae Arts and Sports Center, Korea
2015 Picasso to Francis Bacon (Masters of Modern and Contemporary Art from the Collection of Venezuela’s National Museums Foundation) / Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
2015 Masterpieces with Monica’ of Mauricio de Sousa Production, Brazil / Gyeonggi museum, Korea
2014 The Era of passion picasso to Chun Kyung Ja (the Collection of Venezuela’s National Museums Foundation, Liebermann-Villa am Wannsee) / Jeonbuk Museum of Art, Korea
2013 Exhibition of World Art Masters ‘my Chagall, your Picasso’ (the Collection of Venezuela’s National Museums Foundation) / Jeju Museum of Art
2012 Exhibition of World Art Masters ‘My Chagall, your Picasso’ / Jeonbuk Museum of Art
2012 KIAF(Korea International Art Fair) Guest Country- Latin America
2012 Romero Britto / Lotte Gallery, Lotte Department Store, Seoul
2012 The world of color and light Cruz-Diez, the maestro of op-art (The Collection from Carlos Cruz-Diez Foundation) / Jeonbuk Museum of Art
2012 Spain Masters in Graphic Art / Lotte Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2011 Exhibition for Latin America / Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Jeju, Korea
2011 Cruz-Diez, Color in Space / Dream Forest Arts Center, Sejong Center, Seoul, Korea
2010 A journey to Latin with Art / Kyung Pook National University Art Museum, Daegu, Korea
2010 Magic Realism : Enthralled by Latin Magic / Lotte Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2009 The Great Myth and Mystery of Peruvian Civilization : Inca / National Museum of Korea, Seoul, Korea
2009 Fernando Botero (The Collection from Fernando Botero) / National Museum of Art, Deoksugung, Seoul, Korea
2008 Exhibition of World Art Masters - Picasso, Dali, Miro, Tapies, Chillida / Sejong Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2008 Masters of the 20th Century Latin American Art / National Museum of Art, Deoksugung, Seoul, Korea
2007 Spain Masters in Graphic Art - Picasso, Dali, Miro, Tapies, Chillida / Kyungpook National University Art Museum, Daegu, Korea

Opening hours

관람시간. 화요일-토요일 10:00-19:00
휴무. 일요일-월요일
Open. Tue. - Sat. 10:00 - 19:00
Closed on Sun. - Mon.


서울 성북구 성북로 49 (성북동, 운석빌딩) 3층
3F 49, Seongbuk-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea

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